Our holiday formulas

Choose the best formula for your preferred holiday in Cilento

Hotel Formula

Do you want to stay in a resort but enjoy all the convenient services of a hotel?
Full board and beach services included: this is the formula for you if you want a carefree holiday.

Self-Catering Formula

If you want to live your holiday in Palinuro footloose and fancy free, choose the Self-Catering Formula: a fully equipped bungalow with kitchen.

Campsite Formula

For all those who prefer campervans, caravans and tents we have special sites and all the services required with our Campsite Formula.

Campervan park

Are you on a tour of Cilento? The Campervan Park formula means you can stop for a night or two to enjoy a dip in the crystalline Palinuro sea.

Travelling with your four-legged friends? All pets are welcome here: let us know what you need when booking and we will find the perfect solution for you.

Whichever the perfect formula for you, don’t waste any more time – discover all our special offers for your holiday in Palinuro!

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